IN  THE  Arcane  Teaching  we  have  shown that  the  fundamental  principle  of Mentalism,  in  all  of  its  forms,  is  the fact  that  the Cosmos itself  is One Universal  Mind,  and  that  the  Manifested Cosmos  may  be  likened to a  great Universal  Brain,  in  which the  forms  of  things  and  life  are  but  as  thought-forms  in the  human  brain.  There  is  Mind in everything,  and  everything  is  in Mind.  Consequently,  just  as  Thoughts  become  Things  in the  Cosmic Brain,  so is  it  possible  for  a  strongly  concentrated and focalized Mind (Will) to materialize  into objective  form  things  and conditions  on the  material  plane.

Just  as the Cosmic  Will  manifests  the Cosmic  activities and  forms,  so  may  the Individual  Will  materialize  activities  and forms  on its  own plane.  There  is  but one  difference  between the  Cosmic will  and the  Individual  Will—the difference in  degree.  All  Will,  from  the  Cosmic Will  to the  feeblest  Individual Will  is  identical  in nature,  although widely differing  in degrees  of  power.  In fact,  the  Individual  Wills  are  but  focalized  centres  in the  great  Cosmic  Will, varying  greatly  in power  and manifestation.  This  being  so,  it  follows  that  the same laws,  and principles  are  applicable  in all  manifestations  of  Will,  from the highest  to  the lowest.

In  the Arcane Teaching  we have described  the principles and  laws underlying  the  manifestation  of  Mentalism,  and there  is  no occasion for entering  into  this phase of  the subject  in  this little book.  Instead,  we  shall proceed at  once  to  give  you  the  Formulas  for  the  actual  demonstration and manifestation  of  these principles.  We refer you  to  the Arcane Teaching  for the  explanation and the  theory.  In this  chapter  we  shall  give  you  "Mentalism in a  Nutshell," condensing  into its  limited space  the  essence  and substance of  what  could be  expanded into several  books.



In the  laws  of  Mentalism  there is  a  fundamental  principle that  the positive always dominates the negative—the negative is always subordinate to  the positive.  Everything  has its keynote of  positivity.  And  that keynote depends upon the  degree  of  Will-Consciousness.  When one  becomes  well  polarized in Will-Consciousness  he  is  intensely  positive  to those  around him—not  only to persons  but  also to environment  and conditions.

This positivity  is,  of  course,  dependent  upon  the degree  of  Will  manifested by  the individual.  Remember,  we say  the  degree  of  Will,  not  the  amount  or quantity of  Will.  The  average  person,  when he  thinks  of  Will  Power  is  apt  to think  of  a  large  amount  of  quantity of  Will  which must  be  manifested by  the individual  in order  to produce  its  effect.  This  is  erroneous.  There  can be  no such thing  as  quantity  or amount  of  Will.  This  is  a  fact  known to all  advanced occultists.  Will  is  not  a  material  substance  occupying  space  in the  way  that matter or  force occupies space.  It  cannot be measured  by  spatial dimensions.  One  cannot  think  of  a  yard  or  pound  of  Will.  Nor  can he conceive  of  Will  being  measured by the  units  used in the  measurement  of electricity  or other forms of  force.  There  is a  standard  of  measurement of Will,  but  not  a  measurement  of  quantity or  amount—it  is altogether a matter of  degree.

The  degree  of  Will  manifested by  the  individual  depends  upon his  degree  of focalization or  polarity  in the  Cosmic Will  itself.  The  greater  the  realization of one's  relation to the  Cosmic  Will  the  greater  is  his  capacity  for  manifesting Will  Power.  Consequently all  efforts  toward developing positivity in Will Power must be  based upon the  fundamental  realization.  The  Formulas  given in  the earlier chapters of  this  book  will  give to  the Neophyte the  key  to  the Secret  of  Mentalism.

The Arcane  Formula  for  the  manifestation of  Will  Power  consists  simply  in the  development  of  the  realization of  Ego-hood—of  the  fact  that  the individual  is  a  focalized centre  of  force  and Will in  the  great  Cosmic  Will.  The higher  the  degree  of  this  realization the  higher degree of  positivity  will  the individual  possess.  Fasten  this  truth  in  your minds:  The  Will Power  of  the individual  is  not something  created  by  him, but is, in reality, the  power  of  the Cosmic Will  in  which  he  lives and  moves  and  has  his  being.  The  individual  has no Will  Power in himself, but all  the  will  he  manifests  must  flow  through  his organism  from  the  Cosmic  Will. The  individual  is  merely  the  focal  point of  Will—a  channel  through  which the  Cosmic Will  may  act.  Ponder well  these words,  O Neophyte,  for  in them  is  contained the  whole  Secret  of  Mentalism.



The Neophyte should  create for himself  a  Positive  Will  Atmosphere,  or  Aura, which  will  tend  to  serve as a  protective armor shielding  him  from  adverse influences  from  outside,  and  also  tending  to  render his positive power  felt by  those with  whom  he comes in  contact.  The Positive Atmosphere is occasioned by  the  vibrations  in the  Mind Stuff  with which all  space  is  filled just  as  the brain  is filled  with  mind-stuff  of  its  own  particular quality.  The Cosmos  is  a  World Brain,  remember,  and  the  Cosmic Mind Stuff  is everywhere.  Vibration in the  Mind Stuff  is  just  as  real  as  vibration in the ether,  or  in the  air,  or  in matter  of  any  and every  kind.

The Positive Atmosphere is created  by  a  pure  act  of  Will,  aided by Visualization.  The  Neophyte  should first  realize  that  he  IS  Will  itself.  Then he should Visualize  (mentally  imagine  or  see) the  Mind Stuff  in  his  immediate vicinity  becoming  charged with the  positive  power  of  Will.  It  will  aid him  to think  of  himself  as  surrounded for  a  distance  of  about  three  feet  with an egg-shaped aura  or  atmosphere  of  highly charged  Will,  radiating  from  him and vibrating  with an intense  energy.  As  a  matter  of  occult  truth,  this phenomena is  really  existent,  although  the ordinary  senses  cannot  perceive the vibrations or aura.  Treat  yourself  every  day,  or oftener,  with  the  intent to  increase the degree of your Positive Atmosphere. The more clearly you can  visualize,  or imagine,  the  existence  of  this aura  or atmosphere,  the greater  will  be your degree of  positive personal  atmosphere.  The Neophyte must  not  allow  himself  to be  deceived in regarding  the  Imagination as  an unreal,  fanciful  thing—it  is  a mental  activity of  wonderful  occult  power.

The  Neophyte  will  soon discover that  he has acquired  a  new positive personal  atmosphere,  and that  those  with whom  he  comes  in contact will  feel  a  something  peculiar  about  him,  and will  tend to become  negative to him,  unless  they,  too,  understand the  principles  involved.  As  time  passes, and practice  renders  him  more  perfect  the  Neophyte  will  move  about among ordinary  people  just  as  a  highly  charged  magnet  or  electric  wire.  It  is difficult  to describe  this,  but  those  who  will  practice  to acquire  it  will  soon become conscious  of  their  newly  found  strength.

In order  to focalize  more  fully,  the  Neophyte  may  hold in his  mind the mental  image,  or statement  of "I am a Centre of Positive Will”.



The  Neophyte  may  occasionally find that  he  is  in  the  presence  of  persons more  positive than  himself,  owing  to  their past training  or experience.  In such cases  he  should at  once  determine  that  they  shall  not  "overlap"  him (the occult  term  used  in  such  cases).  He  should  determine at  least  to  meet the positive persons  "edge  to  edge”  if  not  indeed to "overlap"  them.  This is accomplished by  at  once  denying  the positivity  of  the other  person  (silently and mentally,  of  course) by the  assertion "I deny  your  Positivity  over  me”.  At the  same  time  the  Neophyte  should focalize  on  his  own Will-Consciousness, seeing  himself  as  a  focal  centre  of  Will,  and having  the  Cosmic Will  back  of him.  He  will  soon find that  he  will  rise  in  the  scale  of  positivity,  and the  other will  sink  a  degree  below  him.

If  he finds himself  oppressed  by  a  sense of  negativity  while  mingling  with a crowd,  he  should assert  his  Ego-hood in the  same  way.  The  greater  the realization of  one's  self  as  a  Focal  Centre  of  Will,  the  greater  the  degree  of Personal  Positive Atmosphere will  be  manifested.


In  this chapter we  shall  speak  of  Visualization,  in a  number  of  places. Visualization  is the creative process employed  by  occultists  desiring  to manifest  Mental  Images  on the  Mental  and Material  Planes.  Visualization consists in  forming  and  holding  a  Mental  Image  of  things  and  conditions  as  you wish  them  to  be  in  actuality.  The Mental  Image tends to  create for itself  a material  and objective  form  and existence—it  is  the  mental  pattern around which the  material  conditions  tend to group  themselves.  It  is,  in fact,  the seed-form  of  the  thing  itself.  The  prime  factor  in Visualization is  to  endeavor to create  as  clear  as  possible  a  Mental  Image  of  the  thing  or  condition desired,  as  if  it  were  actually existent  at  that  moment.  These  three  rules of Visualization should be  observed:  (1)  See  yourself  as  you  wish  to  be.  (2)  See others  as  you wish  them  to  be.  (3)  See  conditions  as  you  wish  them  to be.  Around these  visualized ideals,  do the  material  realities  form  and crystallize.



All  occultists  have  recognized  the  value  of  Statements,  or  "affirmations" as some call  them.  These Occult  Statements are positive assertions of  the existence  of  the  conditions  which you  wish to bring  about.  They  tend to aid the  Visualization to a  great  degree,  and besides  have  a  power  of  their  own. There  is  an occult  power  in the  Spoken Word which is  not  necessary to explain here—the assertion  that  the power exists  is  sufficient  for the particular purpose before us.  Always use Statements as in  the present  tense. Do not  say to yourself,  "Such  and such  a  thing  will  be  bye  and  bye,  but  boldly assert  "Such and such a  thing  is  existent  and  in  actual  being,  now, this moment. There  is  also a  good occult  reason behind this,  which it  is  not necessary  to  discuss  in  detail.  The power  of  the Positive Occult  Statement must  be experienced  in  order  to  be appreciated.  Make your statements earnestly  and  positively—avoid all  half-hearted  statements,  for they  result  in half-hearted  results.  In  making  your statements,  do  not  use  a  tone of entreaty,  or  of  asking  a  favor—speak  in  a  tone  of  COMMAND. Of  course, these statements should  not  be made aloud  to  other people.  They  have the best  effect  when  made in  a  state of  meditation  and  concentration.  Use them in connection with  visualization,  and you  will  find that  they will  tend to energize  and vitalize  your  Mental  Images.



Occult  Denials  are  a  form  of  Occult  Statements.  They have  a  most  positive effect  when rightly used.  With the  individual  focalized in Will,  he  is  able  to exert  much occult  power  by  boldly  denying  out of  existence  the obstacles and  difficulties which  beset  his path.  It  is marvelous,  at  times,  to  see  how the obstructing  things evince a  tendency  to  disintegrate and  disappear from one's  mental  world,  which is  followed later  by  a  response  of  like  kind and degree in  the  material  world.  Do not  be  afraid to say:  "I  deny  this  or  that obstacle.  It  has  no power  over  me.  I deny  it  out  of  my  world.  For  me  it  does not  exist".  Make your denials as positive  as your statements.  COMMAND,  not beg  or entreat.



Mental  Alchemy  or  Mental  Transmutation bears  a  striking  analogy to Material  Alchemy  or  Transmutation,  in the  sense  that  in both there  is  a marked CHANGE  in form  and  nature  of  the  substances  or  things  operated upon.  Conditions  and things,  like  material  objects,  may  be  transformed and transmuted  at  the  Will  of  the  Alchemist.  Mentalism,  in  its most  striking forms,  is  Mental  Alchemy.  In  the  crucible  of  the  Cosmic Mind or  Brain  things may be,  and are  transmuted and changed in their  outward form  and character.  Nothing  in  the Cosmos can  be destroyed—but  everything  is capable  of  change.  Remember,  first  and always,  that  Mental  Alchemy  means CHANGE. You  do not  destroy  things—you  merely  change  them.



In all  forms  of  Mentalism  there  is  in evidence  the  phenomena  of  Mental Vibration.  Vibration is  not  confined to the  gross  material  substance  of  the universe,  but  is  equally  in evidence  in the  Mind Stuff  with which all  space  is filled.  Mind Stuff  is  the  elementary  material  of  which the  great  Cosmic World Brain  is  composed.  When one  thinks,  feels,  or  wills,  there  is  manifest vibration just  as  truly  as  in the  vibration of  the  atom  or  the  tuning-fork.  Each kind of  thought,  feeling  or  emotion has  its  own rate  of  vibration,  or  keynote. When a  certain rate  of  mental  vibration is  manifested it  tends  to reproduce similar  vibrations,  and consequent  similar  mental  states  in  the  minds  of those  coming  within its  field of  induction.  Just  as  a  tuning-fork  will  cause similar  vibrations  in the  objects  in the  room,  so will  a  mind sending  forth vibrations  tend to reproduce  those  vibrations  in other  minds  in its  vicinity,  or under  certain,  circumstances,  at  long  distances.

This  being  so,  it  follows  that  if  an individual  will  carry,  in his  mind a  positive, persistent  idea,  backed  up  with an application of  his  Will,  he  will  be  able  to impress that  idea  upon  others,  with  more or less  effect.  He  will  be aided  in this  by  the  practice  of  Statements  and by  Visualization,  for  both of  these practices  tend to send forth mental  vibrations  of  a  high  degree of  strength and power.



There are  waves and  currents  in  the great  ocean  of  Mind  Stuff,  just  as there are  waves  and currents  in the  ocean or  in the  air.  Thoughts,  feelings  and emotion manifested by  an individual  will  tend  to  create waves or currents in the  Mind Stuff,  which will  flow  out  in all  directions  influencing  and affecting others  in their  field  of  force,  particularly  if  those  others  happen to maintain a degree  of  mental  vibration corresponding  to that  of  the  traveling  wave  or current.  Every  one sends forth  these thought  waves or currents,  usually unconsciously  and  without  direct  intention,  and consequently  with comparatively  slight  effect.  Those who  understand  the laws  of  Mentalism are  able  to consciously direct,  concentrate  and focus  the  Will  upon those whom they wish to influence,  and consequently  their  thought  waves  and currents travel  direct  to  their  mark,  and  create a  much  greater effect.



Thought-forms  are  concentrated thought  waves  or  thought-bodies  usually projected from  the  mind by concentrated thought  and  Will,  and which, when coming  in contact  with others,  have  almost  as  great  an effect  upon them as if  the sender were present in  person  exerting  his Will and mind upon the person or persons. Occultists who have  acquired concentration and focalization are  often able  to send forth thought-forms  of  so high a degree of  power and  strength  that  they  produce  upon  others the  mental impression  that  the  sender,  himself,  is actually  present  in  person,  so  strong is  the  impression created.  In some  of  the  methods  which we  shall  now describe,  the  production of  these  thought-forms  will  be described.



We have  said but  a  few  words  in describing  the  above  mentioned various phases  of  Mentalism.  We  have  not  thought  it  necessary to go into detail regarding  the  theory  of  the  phenomena.  Those  who read this  book  will  have read  elsewhere much  of  theoretical  detail,  and besides will have grasped the fundamental and underlying  principles  of  Mentalism  from  what  we  have said in The  Arcane  Teaching.  We  think  it  preferable  to pass  on directly to the practical  methods  contained  in the  Formulas,  rather  than to dwell  upon the theoretical  side of  the subject.

In  connection  with  the methods herein  described,  we  would  say that  while anyone  may obtain  some  degree  of  success  by  practicing  them,  still  in order to obtain  any  marked degree  of  success  it  is  necessary  for  one  to have  first developed the  Will-Consciousness,  or  some  degree  of  Ego-hood.  The  Will being  the  motive  power  back  of  all  forms  of  Mentalism  and  Mental  Alchemy, it  follows  that  he  who is  able  to focalize  and polarize  his  Ego in  Will  itself  will be able to  bring  to  bear the very  highest  degree of  power in  the phenomena of  Mentalism.  Therefore,  we  have devoted  the greater part  of  this book  to pointing  out  the  methods  whereby  one  may develop  the  Will-Consciousness and Ego-hood within him.  For  when this  one  thing  is  attained,  the  rest  is  but a  matter  of  detail.  Let  us  now  proceed to a  consideration of  the  Practical Methods.  We shall  condense these in  as  few words as possible.  The student must  read  carefully  every word so that  he  will  enter  into a  full  understanding of  the  subject  and methods.



The  Neophyte  must  develop  and cultivate  the  art  of  Concentration. Concentration means "bringing to a  centre"—and  Mental  Concentration is really  a  focusing  of  the  Will  by  means  of  attention.  Concentration may  be developed by  practice.  Learn  to shut  out  distracting  thoughts  and ideas  for  a few  moments,  holding  the  mind "one-pointed" upon the  thing  or  idea before you.  Then,  after an  interval,  concentrate upon  something  else.  After you  have  subdued the  wandering  tendency of  the  mind,  gradually,  you  will find that  you  have  acquired a  new  power  of  mind which will  enable  you  to direct  and  apply a  focalized mental  power  upon whatever  idea  or  thing  to which you  may  direct  it.  We  could fill  page  after  page  with  detailed exercises in concentration,  but  after  reading  them  you  would find that  the  essence  of the  whole  thing  consists  in fixing  the  attention  upon  anything,  and being able  to  hold  it  there.  This  is  attained only  by  practice.  And the  practice  may be  had by fixing  and  holding  the  attention upon  anything,  for a  few moments at  a  time,  until  you  grow  more  and more  proficient  by  practice.

Remember,  concentration does  not  mean  "staring"  at  a  thing—it  consists of fixing  and  holding  the  mind,  not  the  eyes.  Begin practicing,  and you  will  soon acquire the knack.  It  is altogether a  matter of  the  use of  the  Attention,  by means of  the  Will.  All  the  rest  is  mere  detail  and "trimmings”. It  will do you far  more  good to  invent  methods  for  yourself,  than to blindly  follow  some set  lesson mapped out  by  others.  Use  your  own minds,  and you  will  gain thereby.



The  Secret  of  Mental  Alchemy  may be  stated  as  consisting  first,  last  and always, of  the  Art of  Mental  Imaging, reinforced  by  the  Will.  Take  up  your lead-pencil  and mark  the  above  statement,  so that  you  will  see  it  easily when turning  over these pages.  While to  the  beginner the subject  of  Mentalism may seem  a  very  complicated  one,  the  advanced  occultist  knows  it  to  be  the extreme of  simplicity.  Mental  Alchemy,  under whatever name  it may masquerade, may  be  found  to  consist, at the  last, of  simply  the  power to create  strong, clear  Mental  Images, and  to  project  them  into  the  outer world by  means  of  the  concentrated  Will.

Read over  the  above  italicized words  several  times,  and fix  them  firmly in your  mind.  You  will  find that  all  that  you  ever  have  read on the  subject  may be "boiled  down"  to  the above stated  principle.  The rest  is  a  mere matter of detail. This single  statement  is  "Mentalism  in a  Nutshell”.

Whether in  the matter of  the  effect  of  Mentalism  upon  persons  with  whom you  are  in direct  personal  contact;  or  else  in the  case  of  persons  or  bodies  of people  remote  from  you  in distance;  or  in the  case  of  the  changing  of material  environment  and circumstances—the principle is ever the same,  i.  e.,  the  projection of  your  Mental  Image  into objectivity,  and the materializing  of  that  picture by  the operation  of  the Law of  Attraction.

The  ancient  teachers  used,  as  a  material  object-lesson to their  pupils  a simple  contrivance  which we  now  know  in a  perfected form  as  the  "Magic Lantern” either  in  its simple form,  or else in  the  "moving  picture  apparatus”.

The  teachers  would  project  upon a  plane  surface  the  reflection of  a  design or  picture  which was  passed in front  of  a  concentrated light—the reflection being  reproduced on a  large  scale  on the  plane  surface,  at  a  greater  or  lesser distance. The teachers would  explain  to  the Neophytes that  the concentrated  light represented  the focused  Will;  the slide containing  the picture represented the Mental  Image held  in  the  mind;  the  plane surface represented  the objective world. As  a  matter  of  fact,  the  analogy  between  the  Magic Lantern and the  phenomena  of  Mentalism  is  almost  exactly  parallel,  to a  certain degree and  extent.  The pupils  of  the ancient  teachers were  bidden  to  fix  this symbol  firmly  in their  minds,  and to recall  it  always  when  practicing  or manifesting  any  of  the  phenomena  of  Mentalism.  And we,  likewise,  urge  all of  our  students  to fix  firmly in their  minds  this  symbol  of  the  Magic Lantern, and always  to recall  it  when they  practice  Mentalism.  By  holding  this idea  in the  mind,  the  student will  be  able  to  give  an increased  force, power and  reality to  the  projection of  mental  images.  Do not  pass  this  by,  lightly  and carelessly—it  is  most  important  to you.  If  this  book  contained merely  this one  bit  of  instruction,  it  would be  well  "worth your  while"  to study it.

With  this  symbol  still  in  mind,  we see that  the power and  strength  of  the projection  depends  materially  upon the  strength and focused force of the light in the lantern.  If  the light  be weak,  or dim,  or  flickering,  the reflection will  be  likewise.  And,  if  the  rays  of  the  light  be  not  focused and concentrated properly,  the  force  and power  of  the  light  will  not  be  properly  directed and applied. Therefore, in Mentalism,  you  must  rest  as  fully  in the  Will-Consciousness  as  possible,  and also must  hold the  Will  firmly  concentrated upon the  task  before  you.

Likewise,  if  the slide  containing  the picture—the  Mental  Image—be  poorly and faintly  drawn,  the  reflection will  also be  faulty;  in fact,  the  fault  will  be more apparent,  for  it  will  be  magnified  according  to the  distance  it  is projected.  Therefore,  cultivate  the  art  of  Mental  Imaging,  and endeavor  to train your  imagination to see  clearly  that  which you  wish to  project  into the objective world  for the purpose of  materialization.  Train your  imagination to form  and  hold  plain, clear pictures  of  the  things  and  conditions  which  you wish to  materialize  in the  objective  world.  Upon this  one  thing  depends  much of the efficacy  and  success of  the processes of  Mentalism.  If  you  cannot  fill in the  details  of  your Mental  Picture  at first, at least draw  firm, strong  general outlines, and  as  you  begin to  materialize  objectively  you will  be  able  to  add  the details.



There are  certain  laws in  operation  in  the Cosmos,  by  reason  of  its  very nature, which tend to materialize thought-images. The very  Cosmos,  itself,  is a  materialization of  the  ideas  in the  Cosmic Brain.  And,  by  the  Law  of Analogy,  the  same  thing  is  true  on all  planes.  "From  one,  know  All"—"As above,  so below"—these  are  the  axioms.  There  is  a  force  in  operation  which has  been called "The  Law  of  Attraction," by which "like  attracts  like" on all planes.  And on the  mental  plane,  the  "likes" are  materialized into corresponding  "likes" on the  material  plane.  Everything  that  is,  first  existed as  an idea  or Mental  Picture,  either  in the  Cosmic Brain,  or  in  the  brain of some living  creature  as  well.  There  is  always  a  mental  plan  behind and in every  material  form,  shape  or  condition.  The  student  should know  this  fact from  a  study of  the  Arcane  Teaching,  and by submitting  the  idea  to the  test of  experience  and reason.  And,  when this  principle  is  clearly  understood,  the process  of  Thought  Materialization through Mentalism  becomes  quite  plain and understandable.

When the truth  of  Thought  Materialization becomes  fully understood,  the student  learns to  avoid  making  Mental  Images  of  the  things  which  he  does not wish  to  materialize,  on the  one  hand;  and  to  make  Mental  Images  of  the things  which he  does  wish to  materialize,  on the  other  hand.  When he  realizes that  mental  things  tend to materialize  objectively,  he  has  grasped a fundamental  and important  occult  truth,  and  he  governs himself  accordingly. We urge every  student  to  fix  this idea  firmly  in  his mind,  for  until  he realizes that  Mental  Images  and the  Materialization thereof,  are  but stages  of  the one  process,  he  has  not  grasped the  working  principle  of  Mentalism.  When this  fact  is  grasped,  then  the rest  is merely  a  matter of  practice, development  and application.



The careful  student  doubtless will  have recognized  by  this time that the process of  Statements and  Denials are but  forms of  aids to  Mental  Imaging. When the Occult  Statement  is  used,  there is  created  a  Mental  Image, consciously or  subconsciously,  and consequently  there  is  given an additional urge  to materialization.  And in the  same  way,  the  Occult  Denial  tends  to erase  or  wipe  out  the  Mental  Picture  in one's  own mind;  in the  minds  of others;  or  in circumstances  and environment;  of  conditions  or  things  which are not  desirable.  (We have stated  that  in  addition  to  the above effect  there are  peculiar  virtues  and properties  in the  Spoken Word,  of  which we  shall not  speak  further in  this work,  as it  belongs to  another phase of  the  general subject.) Do not  undervalue  the  Occult  Statement  and the  Occult  Denial— they are  powerful  factors  in Mentalism,  in the  direction of  strengthening and  vitalizing  the Mental  Images.



The average student  reading  this book  will  doubtless expect that  we  will now enter  into a  detailed description of  the  various  forms  of  the  application of  Mentalism,  in the  form  of  Mental  Imaging  and Thought  Materialization. But  we  have no  such  intention.  If  this work  were to  be extended  into  several volumes  for  the  sake  of  money-making  and humoring  the  popular  taste  and demand,  we might  do so.  It  would be  easy  to fill  several  volumes  with detailed description of  various  forms  of  application—but  to  what purpose? The  keen  analytical  student  would soon  discover  that  what  had been  done was simply  to build  various  structures  around the  one  vital  and underlying principle  of  Mental  Imaging  and Projection.  We  prefer  that  our  students shall  think and  work  for  themselves,  and not  be  mere  blind followers  of  any teacher or teachers—even of  ourselves.  There  is  no  room  for lazy  minds  in the  ranks  of  true  occultism.  Mentalism  cannot  be  given or  taken in sugarcoated capsules,  one  before  each meal,  like  quack  medicines.  It  must  be thought  out,  and worked  out  in actual  practice.  So,  if  you  wish your Mentalism  in capsules,  tabloids,  or  sugar-coats—you  must  go  elsewhere for it—the  field is  full  of  occult  nostrums,  as  many  of  you  have  found out. What we  shall  do,  in place  of  the  above,  is  to give  you  a  Formula  by which  you  can  work  out  and manifest  every  form  of  mentalism  for yourself.  No matter  how  complicated the  form  may  be,  it  may  be  worked out  by  this  Formula.  We  shall  not  attempt  to prove  this  to you—you  can best  prove it  by  actual  practice in  your  own  experiments or  occult  work.  We cheerfully  stake  our  reputation as  practical  occultists  upon its  efficacy.  Try  it for  yourself,  and see  what  you  can accomplish by  it.  The  Formula  has  borne the test of  ages,  and  the experiments  and  practice of  many  of  the best occultists  of  the  past  and present.  Consequently  we do  not  hesitate  to  stake our  reputation upon it.



The  first  thing  in applying  this  Arcane  Formula  of  Mentalism,  is  for  the student  to lay  aside  all  other  theories  of  Mentalism,  for  the  time  being. Forget  all  about  Thought-Force, Mind-Waves,  Mental  Currents,  and  the rest of  it—these  are  mere  details,  and are  of  no value  in the  real  work  of Mentalism.  Forget  all  about  theory,  for  the  time  being,  and then proceed  to get  down  to actual  work.  Then,  fix  firmly in your  mind the  symbol  of  the Magic Lantern,  with  its  concentrated light  of  Will,  and its  painted slide  of  the Mental  Image.  Regard the  objective  world,  or  persons,  things,  and circumstances,  as  the  great  plane  surface  upon which you  wish to throw  or project  your  Mental  Images  that  they may materialize  objectively.  Get  this picture  clearly  in your  mind.  See  your  "I" as  the  Light  in the  Lantern—with its  concentrated Will  focused directly upon the  Mental  Image  slide  of  the Lantern.  Hold  this  idea  in mind  whenever  you practice  Mentalism.  Always stand behind your  mental  IMAGES,  as the Light  in  the Lantern.

Then,  having  your  Mental  Image  impressed upon your  imaginative  lantern slide,  direct  and  point your lantern tube  upon  whatever object in the  outside world you  wish.  If  it  is a  person  whom  you  wish  to  impress with  your thought,  mentally direct  and  focus  your  mental  Magic Lantern upon him, just  as  you  would upon a  plane  surface—whether he  be  far  or near.  All "treatments," as  they  are  called in certain circles,  are  based upon this principle.  The  Mental  Image  is  projected by  means  of  the  highly concentrated Will.  If  a  number  of  persons  are  to be  impressed,  they  may  be considered  as present  in  a  group,  or else  the lantern  tube may  be turned first  upon one  and then upon  another,  and so on.  If  general  conditions  or environments  are  to be  "treated," image  them  as  a  whole,  and focus  your lantern tube  directly upon them,  producing  a  projection of  gigantic proportions.  Surely,  these  directions cover the  whole process.  Read  them over,  again and again,  until  you  grasp  them  thoroughly  and  fully.

In the  cases  of  persons  whom  you  may  wish to impress,  you  will  find that better results may  be obtained  by  either imaging  them  as seated  or standing before  you,  in full  short-range  of  your  mental  Magic Lantern;  or  else,  by imaging  yourself  as  in the  other  person's  presence,  in his  own place,  turning your  mental  lantern full  upon him.  In the  case  of  persons  actually  in your presence,  proceed  in  the same way.  Places,  present  or absent,  may  be "treated" in this  way,  in order  to dispel  undesirable  conditions  or  vibrations. The  vibrations  of  places  may  be  entirely  changed in this  way.  Conditions  may be  "treated" successfully  by turning  upon them  a  strong  Mental  Image  of the  changed conditions  you  wish to bring  about.  The entire  category  of  the phenomena of  Mental  Transmutation or  Mental  Alchemy  may  be successfully  undertaken  by  the use  and application of  this  Formula.  You  will find that  this  Formula  is  applicable  to all  manner  and kinds  of  condition.  A little  analysis  of  each and every  case  will  show  you  that  the  Formula  is applicable  to it.

Let  not  the  simplicity  of  this  method cause  you  to  discard it  in favor  of  some more technical,  complicated or  metaphysical  theoretical  method. This method overrides all theories of the metaphysical  schools—and analysis  of the latter, divested of the surrounding  theories, will show the underlying principle of this method in full  operation in each and every  one  of  them. Why not  discard and  tear  off  the  encumbering  theories  and "explanations" and avail  yourself  of  the  advantage  of  employing  the  essential  method underlying  all  of  the  forms  and theories.

Truth,  at  the  last,  is  always  found to be  simple.  And,  in the  case  of  this Formula,  the  very simplicity  of  the  operation is  a  convincing  proof  of  its truth,  particularly  when  a  little experiment and  practice will prove its availability in all  cases.  Analyze  all  other  forms  of  "mental  treatment," or Mentalism,  and see  whether  the  principles  of  this  Formula  are  not  involved in them,  and form  their very  essence.  The beauty  of  this Formula  is its simplicity and its  capacity  for  universal  application.  It  may  be  applied under  a thousand  forms  or  disguises,  but  the  principle  remains  unchanged.

In conclusion,  remember  that  "Mentalism  in a  Nut-Shell" is  the  idea conveyed by  the  symbol  of  the  Mental  Magic  Lantern, with  Concentrated  Will as  the  Light; Mental  Image  as  the  pictured  slide; the  Projected  Idea  as  the picture  thrown  on  the  screen; and  the  Objective  World, of  persons, things  and conditions  as the  plane  surface  on  which  the  picture  is  thrown.  Add  to  this the fact  that  Mental  Images  Materialize  in  response  to  the  Law  of  Attraction,  and you have  the  entire  story  of  Mentalism.

Re-read your  books  on this  subject;  listen to the  teachings  of  the  cults  and the  schools.  Then when you  have  finished with them,  ask  yourself  calmly if the Mental  Magic  Lantern  does not  give you  the  best  symbol  of  the best methods  of  each and all  of  them,  reduced to the  ultimate  analysis  and divested  of  useless  fringe,  trimming,  theory  and detail. Then,  practice Mentalism  along  these lines.  The  rest  is a  matter of  patience, practice  and persistency.  We  have  given you  the  first  and the  last  word in the  practice  of  Mentalism.














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