Is it necessary to remove the clothing while administering the Self-treatment?” Answering this question, I have to say that the removal of the clothing is not absolutely necessary, and excellent results can be obtained by giving the treatment and passing the hands over the body outside of the clothing. However, if you have disrobed for the purpose of retiring, you may as well give the treatment at that time as there seems to be something about the touch of the hand on the bare skin that aids in the directing of the current of Thought Force to the affected parts. This being the case, I generally suggest that one administer this Self Treatment after retiring at night, and before rising in the morning, by passing the hands under the sleeping garments; at other times during the day pass the hands over the ordinary clothing.

This lesson will be confined to the treatment of that most common complaint, Constipation. There are many theories advanced to account for Constipation, but to my mind the most reasonable explanation is that it arises from one or more of the following three causes: (1) Wrong Thinking; (2) Insufficient Fluids; (3) Neglect of Nature's Calls.

The first cause, Wrong Thinking, has been somewhat thoroughly explained in previous lessons and I refer the student to what I have said therein. There is no part of the human organism quicker to feel the effects of Wrong Thinking than the organs of nutrition, and the first symptom of this abnormal functioning exhibits itself in impaired power of Digestion and in Constipation. Let the sufferer from Constipation, and its accompanying ills, be sure to take steps to shut off the thought current of Fear, Worry, Hate, Anger, etc.

The second cause, Insufficient Fluids, is well known to all who have paid any attention to the subject. Many advocates of Mental Healing resent any reference to exercise, breathing, eating or drinking, and say that these have nothing to do with the subject of the Healing powers of the Mind; that they should be ignored altogether as immaterial and on a lower plane than Mind. This is very pretty talk, but when we consider that the reason that we have need of Mental Healing at all is because we have violated some law, mental or physical, and that by Mental Healing we desire to establish normal conditions, we see that we must conform to the mental or physical law before Mental Healing or any other kind of healing will do us any good whatsoever. If it is a mental law we are violating, Mental Healing, simply by establishing proper thoughts, will restore normal conditions; if it is a physical law we are violating, we must adjust our living to that of the normal healthy man --re-establish proper functioning of the organs by means of Thought Force—follow the rules of right thinking and right living—and we are well. I have no sympathy with those who would insist that we must eat only certain things, at certain times, in certain quantities. I have been through all that and have turned my back on it. I believe that the healthy man or woman can eat all reasonable foods, in reasonable quantities, at any reasonable time. But I would not think of saying that Man (in his present stage of evolution) could do without a normal amount of food, and I feel just as certain that he cannot be healthy without drinking a normal amount of fluids. Very few of us drink the normal amount of fluids, and we suffer therefor, and until normal conditions are re-established we cannot expect to be normal human beings. We have not been able to dispense with the use of bodies, so far, and so long as we inhabit bodies, we must care for them properly—care for them at least nearly as faithfully as we attend to the body of the horse or cow which we may have under our care.

When we consider just what an important part in the human economy is played by the fluids, we will see how we have been injuring ourselves by getting away from the natural habits and customs of Man, and substituting therefor the abnormal habits made so easy for us by modern "civilized” life.

Physiology teaches us that the normal human being requires at least four pints (two quarts) of liquids, each day in order to properly supply the demands of his organism. If this amount is not supplied, the organism will not secrete sufficient fluids to properly perform the offices of digestion, absorption and assimilation of food, the excretion and elimination of the waste products of the system; the liver will not secrete sufficient bile, the principal purpose of which is to produce a natural movement of the bowels; nor will there be sufficient liquids to wash away the debris through the kidneys and bladder. The result is impaired functioning of one or more organs of the body and the entire system is affected. Nearly eighty-five percent of the human body is water, and if sufficient fluids are not introduced into the system, one becomes more or less like a dried apple. In no way does outraged Nature show the result of insufficient fluids quicker than by the symptom called Constipation, and in no way does she show quicker results of a sane habit regarding fluids than by the restoring of normal movements of the bowels. Next to air, water is the thing which most strenuously demands, and, not getting, most vigorously shows its displeasure.

The third cause of Constipation, neglect of Nature's calls, like every other violation of Nature's laws, brings about abnormal results. We are all more or less governed by habits which we have contracted, good or bad. Our modern life takes us away from Nature, and we suffer in consequence. The sub-conscious manifestation of the Mind, which controls the workings of our vital mechanism, teaches us to do certain necessary things, and when we refuse to listen to its voice we must pay the penalty. In the hurry and bustle of everyday life, we neglect Nature's calls to relieve our system of the waste products, and gradually a new and abnormal habit manifests itself. Nature ceases to send its calls, because we have refused to pay attention to them, and after a bit she gets disgusted and allows us to run things our own way, and we having so many things to attend to, frequently neglect the new duty imposed upon us, and irregular habits result. When you do not heed Nature's calls, the fluid part of the waste matter is reabsorbed by the system, and hardened stools are the results. In addition to this, deferred movements, long continued, result in your establishing a new and injurious habit of the sphincter-muscle, and instead of a natural tendency to relax at proper times it acquires a habit of unnatural contraction which interferes with Nature's processes. To many of you this will possibly seem unpleasant reading. You have been thinking beautiful thoughts, acquiring esthetic tastes, and refusing so far as is possible to even admit the existence of certain of Nature's manifestations. You are making a great mistake. Nature in all its manifestations is wonderful and beautiful, and to see nothing but impurity and filth in any of God's works indicates a corresponding impurity in your mind. To the pure all things are pure, and to the man or woman of the broad, natural, cosmic mind, the entire body is pure and beautiful and free from shame. I have known people who had soared so high that they could not even think of certain of Nature's functions without a shudder. That such people should have the Truth forced upon them by means of physical inharmony, is not strange. If you are in this class, you need to change your mental attitude.

In the following treatment for Constipation, you should bear the above remarks in mind.


Self-Treatment for Constipation.

Give yourself the general treatment for Equalizing the Circulation, as stated in previous lessons, thus producing physical harmony in every part of the body. Then pass the hands over the bowels, "with a firm but soft, caressing motion, sending at the same time a current of Thought. Force from the brain to the parts. At the same time repeat the following auto-suggestions, or words conveying the same meaning: "I am sending a current of Thought Force to my bowels, thereby strengthening and nourishing them, making them stronger and able to do their work properly as Nature intended. They are strong, strong, STRONG, and able to do the work. They can do their work, and they WILL do it. I am taking sufficient fluids each day to supply Nature with what she needs for the bowels. I am giving Nature that which she needs, and she will do the work properly. I am taking these fluids each day for a purpose, and I am getting the results, and my bowels will move, freely, naturally and easily each day. The contracted sphincter muscle will begin to relax, relax, RELAX, and again become natural. I will have a natural movement of the bowels every morning at …o'clock (naming a convenient hour) and I have made an engagement with them at that hour which I will surely keep. At … o'clock; at …o'clock; at …o'clock, the result will be attained. I am strong and well, and Nature is working out perfect results. I open myself to Nature's calls and processes.”

You will find that in a short time, you will have established a new habit, and that Nature will again take the reins. You must be sure to keep the engagement with yourself every morning, whether you feel any inclination or not. You must increase your fluids gradually until you drink at least four pints of fluids in twenty-four hours. (This includes fluids of all kinds, soup counting as well as water.) You will find it a great aid to you if you will take a little water at a time, sipping it slowly, instead of drinking large quantities at once. When you sip the water, say to yourself: "I am taking this fluid for the purpose of aiding Nature in moving my bowels.”

In addition to the above, it will be well for you to treat yourself in the region of the sphincter-muscle, at night after retiring, and in the morning before dressing, passing the hands gently around that part, and saying to yourself, as if speaking to the part in question: "Relax, relax, RELAX.” Say this over and over again, and the thought will take form in action, and the contracted condition will be relieved.

This may seem very simple to you, but thousands of people have been cured by this treatment, without a drop of medicine, and after they had expended much money on drugs without any permanent result. And mind you, when you cure yourself by this method, you will stay cured, so long as you follow the system of right living and right thinking advocated in these lessons.






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