When we look about us, we see scores of people suffering from an abnormal condition of the nervous system. This has been called the "American Disease,” because it is apparently more prevalent here than in other lands, although it is found wherever people worry. Worry and Fear are at the base of Nervousness, and when these two monsters are driven forth the patient makes rapid recovery. The trouble is that the patient suffering from Nervousness is generally in such a weakened condition that it is hard for him to make use of the forces within him which will enable him to get rid of the sources of his trouble. But it can be done.

The first thing to be done by the patient suffering from this complaint is to start to work to cultivate thoughts of Hope, Confidence, Courage, and Strength. The only practical and effective way to get rid of negative thoughts is to grow other ones—positive ones—in their place. The positive thoughts, if kept well watered and sunned, will grow rapidly and will invariably crowd out the foul negative weeds of the mind which have been causing all the trouble. It is hard work to tear out these negative thoughts, and the best way is to crowd them out by the pressure of the growing, positive, bright plants of Hope and Courage. Start to work to­day to grow these positive plants, and see that they receive constant attention.

The constant use of the proper Auto-suggestions or Affirmations will grow within one's mind the strongest and hardiest kind of positive thoughts. And as these positive thoughts grow and wax strong, the negative thoughts will gradually die away. Just as does the light drive away the darkness, so will the strong, vigorous products of the mind crowd out and stifle the miserable mental growths—Fear and Worry. And when Fear and Worry have been crowded out, all the rest of the weeds will die. Hate, Anger, Jealousy, Malice, Envy, Covetousness, will disappear, and the mental garden will blossom in the luxuriance of beauty, joy and strength.

It will be found that the general system has run down by reason of the negative thoughts which have been held. The digestion is affected, the circulation impaired, the brain insufficiently nourished, and the nervous system itself suffering from imperfect nutrition and impaired blood supply. When you get to work in earnest, all these things will begin to improve. The digestion will improve, thus enabling you to get sufficient nourishment; when you get sufficient nourishment, the blood supply will be increased and will improve in quantity and quality; when the blood supply is improved, the brain will be better nourished and will be enabled to send stronger thought impulses to the organs and parts, and the bodily health will improve; and when the nervous system is better nourished, by means of the improved blood supply, it will do much better work, and the old troubles will disappear. Start the machinery going properly, and the improvement is noted in all directions.


Self-Treatment for Nervousness, Insomnia, Etc.

In treating yourself for Nervousness, first attend to the character of your thoughts, and get rid of Fear and Worry in the manner suggested above, and following the Auto-suggestion given later on in this article; then start to work and give yourself General Treatment for Equalizing the Circulation, following the instructions given in previous articles of this series. There is no better treatment for nervousness than this treatment for equalizing the circulation, for by this treatment every part of the body is nourished and strengthened, the nerves are soothed and quieted, and a general feeling of rest and quiet and happiness is experienced immediately. Many persons have cured themselves of Insomnia and Sleeplessness by this method of treatment, and others have been able to quiet down extreme nervousness in themselves, and others, by this treatment alone. The very simplicity of the treatment prevents many from appreciating and realizing its value. It is the result of years of thought and investigation of this subject, and is presented in such a simple form that a mere child could use it. The "proof of the pudding is in the eating,” so try it for yourself, and then you will know more about it. I know of no better general treatment for relieving a condition of nervousness than my treatment for equalizing the circulation. Of course, one must remove the cause in order to "stay cured,” but while you are curing yourself, you may as well get as much relief as possible, and each time you gain relief it gives you the power of storing up strength whereby you can get rid of the cause.

The following is a valuable Auto-Suggestion, or Affirmation to use in treating oneself for Nervousness.

"I am holding the thought of Peace, Harmony and Rest. I am quiet all over, from head to feet, and my nerve force is being distributed evenly and properly all over my body. I feel strong, strong, STRONG. My nerves are strong, and are growing stronger each day. I Fear nothing; I Worry about nothing. I see my way clear and I intend to follow it. I see my goal—HEALTH— and I am moving straight toward it. I feel Well, Strong, Energetic, Vigorous, full of Life, Health and Strength. I feel Bright, Cheerful and Happy, and I intend to hold to this feeling. Bright, Cheerful and Happy, Strong and Well. Bright, Cheerful and Happy, Strong and Well.”

Repeat these words over and over again, as often as possible. The mere reading of them will make you feel much better. You will be surprised to feel how they affect you at once— immediately. These words will help you from the start, and will also assist you in growing the strong, healthy, positive, helpful thoughts that you desire. Try it, and see for yourself.






















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