The astral world:

its scenes, dwellers, and phenomena




























The astral world:

its scenes, dwellers, and phenomena

























Chapter I. The Seven Planes.

The wonderful Astral World. The old occult teachings. The Seven Planes of Being. The Material Plane. The Plane of Forces.

The Mental Plane. The Four Higher Planes. The Sub-Planes, and the Seven-Times-Seven Divisions. What is meant by a Plane. Degrees of Vibrational Energy. A State, rather than a Place. Vibrational dimension, not Dimensions of Space. Vibratory keynotes of substance. Nature’s Finer Forces.

Chapter II. Astral Regions.

What is meant by an Astral Region. Where located. The meaning of the occult term "Astral.” Sanscrit and Grecian origin. How one visits the Astral World. The Astral Vision.

Using the Astral Body. The Astral Senses. Receiving impressions on the Astral Plane. Clairvoyant perception of the Astral phenomena. Shifting from the Material World to the Astral. The Astral filament.

Chapter III. Reality of the Astral.

Differences in substance merely a matter of Vibration. Everything Vibrates. Nothing really solid in Nature. The Infinite Magnifying Glass, and what it reveals. Reality of Astral substance, scenery, dwellers, and phenomena. The Astral Law of Change. Several ways of traveling on the Astral. Time and Space on the Astral. What one encounters on an Astral journey.

Sights pleasant and unpleasant.

Chapter IV. Passing the Border.

Passing out of the Physical Body. Alone in the Astral Body. How the Astral Body seems to one dwelling in it. Looking back on one's own Physical Body. How connection is retained with the sleeping Physical Body, while one is out on the Astral. Raising one’s vibrations. A strange region. Wonderful sights on the Plane of Forces. Walking through a stone-wall. The little walk down the street, in the Astral Body, and what one sees there. Weird forms, and wonderful colors in the Astral. Auras in the Astral.

Chapter V. Some Lower Sub-Planes. 

The Dividing Veil. The Astral Cemetery. Disintegrating Astral Forms. Astral Shells. Why the soul sheds, the Astral Shell. The Astral Spectres or Shades. The "Galvanized” Astral Shell. How the Astral Spectres are vitalized. How the Astral Spectres manifest in Psychic Circles, etc. Bodies without souls yet seemingly alive and conscious. Counterfeit Entities. Occult Knowledge prevents deplorable mistakes.

Chapter VI. Disembodied Souls.

Entering the region of the disembodied. A sacred sub-plane. The Resting Place of the Souls. The Great Spiritual Guardians of the Souls. Not dead, but sleeping. The Watchers over the Forms. Astral Purgatories. The occult basis of theological theories. Why the disembodied soul sleeps. The period of the Astral Sleep. The low-developed soul. The average soul. The highly-developed soul. The Law of the Astral, and how it manifests.

Chapter VII. Scenes of the Astral.

A very low sub-vision. A foul astral atmosphere. Low entities. The Earth-bound souls. The Astral Fog. The Tantalus-like denizens of the low Astral planes. "The Lust of the Eye." The hell of lack of the physical body. How the low entities pass their time. The effect. Outliving, and Living-out. Punished by their sins, not for them. The regions of the lewd. The regions of the Money-hogs. Purgatory. The Burning-out by the Flames of Desire. Astral Scenery, and how created.

Chapter VIII. Life and Work on the Astral. 

Astral scenes, buildings, cities, and paraphernalia. How artificial Astral structures are built, and of what composed. Character and occupations of the Astral Dwellers. Earnest working-out of ideals, ideas, ambitions, inclinations, etc. Happy Hunting Grounds on the Astral. The Astral Valhalla and its inhabitants. Useful work on the Astral. The Creative Joy. Artists, Composers, and Inventors on the Astral. Astral Workshops and Laboratories.

Chapter IX. Higher Planes and Beyond.

The higher Astral Regions. Higher Vibrations. The Great Plane of the Religious Souls. A Multitude of Religious Centres on the Astral. How the Sects, Cults and Denominations gather, and how their Regions are Furnished. Stage-settings and Scenery. High and Low Forms of Religions. Religious Ancient and Modern. Each and All have a Place. Dante’s Inferno on the Astral. The Home of the Philosophers and Theologians. Skeptics and Materialists on the Astral. The Irony of the Astral. Beyond the Astral. The Heaven-Worlds. The True Home of the Soul. The Harmony of the Heaven-World. Once heard, never forgotten—once seen, always remembered.

Chapter X. The Astral Light.

What the Astral Light is. The Astral Records. The Great Astral Picture Gallery. The Photographic Records of the Past. How they can be reproduced. The Great Astral Moving Picture. History Reproduced. Nothing escapes the Astral Records. Nothing Concealed from the Astral Camera. The Akashic Records. The Astral Fourth Dimension. How Clairvoyants read the Past. A startling presentation of a wonderful occult truth. A Revelation to many.

Chapter XI. Astral Entities.

Non-Human dwellers upon the Astral. Nature Spirits. Gnomes, sylphs, and salamanders. Fairies, pixies, elves, brownies, goblins, etc. The truth underlying the old legends. Characteristics of these entities. Pranks of the elves. Helpful Brownies. Artificial Entities on the Astral. Vitalized thought forms. How are created, and what they do. Guardian angels—what they really are. Family ghosts. So-called Supernatural visitors, and how they are created. The truth about the devils of history. Spirit Return— its Truth and Error. Occult Explanation. Final Advice from the Teacher.


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