The  SWING  of  the  rhythmic pendulum  is  always  at  right  angles  to its  central line  of  suspension—always  to-and-fro,  backward and forward,  from  a  fixed center  of  gravity which is  directly  under  its  point  of  suspension.  A  similar  law is  evident  in the  movements  of  a  body  revolving  in a  circle,  in which is manifest  the power  of  the central  point  which holds  the  body from  flying  off into space,  and also  the  power  which causes  the  body  to continue  in cyclic revolution  instead of  falling  toward the  centre.  In  fact,  the  cyclic motion is merely  another  form  of  rhythm  and is  dependent  on the  latter,  just  as rhythm,  itself,  is dependent  on  the existence of  the Law of  Opposites,  or Polarity.  Polarity,  or  The  Opposites,  is  the  fundamental  cause  of  both Rhythm and Cyclicity.

 All  active movement  expresses itself  in  rhythmic  motion,  between  its two poles  or  opposites.  But  this  rhythmic motion is  not  necessarily  always  in a straight  line,  as  in the  case  of  the  pendulum.  In fact,  the  motion of  large bodies,  and also of  races,  history,  events,  etc.,  is  generally  in  a  circle.  This results from  the attraction and repulsion of  objects  and forces  outside  of the  swinging  thing,  which tends  to draw  it  out  of  its  backward and forward swing,  and which gradually converts  the  straight  line  of  the  swing  into a circle.

Consequently,  on all  sides,  and in all  things  we  find the  Law  of  Cyclicity  in full operation.

As  the  Aphorism  states:  "Cyclicity is  akin to Rhythm,  and arises  by  reason of it.  All  events tend  to  move in  Cyclic  Trend—in constant  circular  movement of  continuous  recurrence.  The  only  escape  from  Cyclicity  is  found in the process  of  transmutation into Spirality.  This  is  accomplished  by  advancing the  Central Point  of  Motion.  The  conversion of  the  Circle  into the  Spiral  is  one of  the  highest  forms  of  mental  Alchemy.”

It  is  evident  to all  who will  examine  the  subject  that the mental  life of  the average  person is  merely the  constant  traveling  'round and 'round in a recurring  circle—the  circle  gradually  widening  from  childhood to the  prime of  life,  and then narrowing  from  that  time  to old age  and death.  The  average person is  held firmly  bound by  this  Law  of  Cyclicity,  and while  he  finds  the circle  widening  or  narrowing  as  the  case  may be,  he  never  makes  any  real progress.  It  is  always  a  constant  swing  around the  same  old central  point—a process similar to  the travel  of  the  squirrel  in the  treadmill  of  his  cage—a constant  traveling  which  results in  his  getting  nowhere.

It  is  only  when the  individual  is  able  to convert  the  circle  into the  spiral,  that he  is  able  to advance.  All  real  advance  is  accomplished in this  way.  Many acquire  Spirality  "by  accident," as  it  were.  They  find that  by  the  assertion of the  Ego—by the  use  of  the  inner  Will,  they  are  able  to advance  the  Central Point  of  Motion.  Advanced Occultists  are  able  to  consciously  advance  their Central  Point  of  Life  Motion,  and thus  to do intelligently that  which the average  person does to a lesser degree under the unconscious influence of circumstances.

It  is  most  difficult  to render  simple  and plain the  Arcane  Formula  regarding this  form  of  Mental  Transmutation,  for  it  is  so bound up  with the  conscious use  of  the  Will  that  it  cannot  be  understood except  by  those  who have  felt the  realization of  the  Will,  Consciousness.  It  may  be  described in this  way, however;  The average person  merely  desires  to advance.  This  desire exerts more or  less  influence  on the  Will.  When,  however,  a  person has  learned to Will,  he  is  able  to accomplish far  more  than he  could by  the  mere  power  of plain desire.  By  his  conscious  Will  he is able to  project  his Ego  a  step  or more in advance  in  the  Cosmic scale,  and thus  establish a  new  Centre  of  Cyclic Motion.  By  the  increasing  power  which  comes  to  him  gradually by  this conscious  use  of  the  Will,  the  individual  establishes  a  habit  of  Spiralic Progression which replaces  the  old simple  Cyclic  movement.

The  Neophyte  by  cultivating  the  habit  of  constantly  willing  an  advance  at each circle,  will  find that  though his  life  still  maintains  its  circular  movement, yet  at  each return  to a  given  point  will  he  advance  a  little  higher  in scale  and plane. Just  as  a  traveler  ascending  a  mountain must  needs  go 'round and 'round  it,  each  time  a little nearer to the peak, so will the traveler along The Path of  Attainment  find that  at  each circling  the  old paths  will  be  below  him.

The study  of  the succeeding  chapters of  this  book  will  give  the  Neophyte additional  instruction and suggestions  in the  direction of  the  use  of  the visualizing  power  of  the  mind to bring  about  desired conditions. Visualization may  be  employed in this  matter  of  converting  the  Circle  into the Spiral,  as well  as in  the minor matters of  life.

The  distinguishing  mark  of  the  advanced Occultist,  or  individual  who  has found the  Real  Self,  is  Poise  or  Balance.  This  is  always  a  mark  of  power,  just as its opposite is  always a  mark  of  weakness.  As  the Aphorism says:  "Poise  is Power.  Poise  results  from  Balance.  Balance  is  secured by  adjusting  and maintaining  the Centre between  the Pairs of  Opposites.  By  Balanced  Poise the  Master  neutralizes  Polarity  and Rhythm,  by  resolving  them  into Unity.  In the Heart  of  the Storm  is  Peace.  In  the Centre of  Life there  is  Poise and Power.  Seek  it  ever,  O  Neophyte—for  in  it  thou  shalt  find thy  Self".

The  old Occult  Masters  were  wont  to illustrate  the  Balanced Life  of  the Advanced  Ego by  the  figure  of  the  acrobat  walking  the  tight-rope,  a  feat which has  descended to us  from  antiquity.  They  would picture  the  Initiate traversing  the Razor-edge  Wire  of  Life,  balancing  himself  by  the  Balancing Pole  of  the  Opposites.  Now  shifting  the  weight  on one  side,  and now  on the other,  he is able  to walk  the  Path in safety.  Having  the  confidence  of  the Awakened Ego he  trusts  to his  own power  and the  use  of  the  Balancing Pole.  The  untrained  person  attempting  the feat  would  be borne over  by  the pull  of  one  emotion or  feeling,  or  another,  and would be dashed  to  ruin.  But the  Balanced Ego walks  in confidence  and safety,  because  of  his  mastery  of the  art  of  Balance.  Pitting  one  emotion against  another  he  neutralizes  the one  which  threatens  to pull  him  down.  By  Mental  Alchemy  or Transmutation,  he  is  able  to transmit  a  dangerous  pull  into a  part  of  his balancing  process.  His  axiom  is  "Action and Re-Action are  equal," and  this principle he applies in  all  the emergencies and  crises of  life.  He always manages  to have  a  push or  a  pull  to counteract  a  push or  a  pull  in a  different direction,  and thus  balance  and poise  is  maintained.

Balance  and Poise  may  be  attained by  entering  into a  realization of  the  real nature  of  the  Ego—that  the  Ego is  based and focalized in Will—that  the  Ego can,  and should,  always  act  from  the  plane  and position of  Will  rather  than from  the  plane  and  position of  Emotion and Feeling.  In fact,  the  entire instruction of  this  book,  up  to this  point,  has  been in the  direction of  leading the  individual  to a  consciousness  of  his  real  nature,  which,  if  once  acquired, must  inevitably  result  in  perfect  Balance  and  Poise.  The facts  stated,  the instruction,  the  exercises,  all  will  aid in the  acquirement  of  Balance  and Poise.  Toward this  goal,  all  of  our  efforts  have  been directed.

Balance results from  Mastery.  Mastery  results from  Knowledge and Practice.  You  have  been told  the  truth.  Make  it  your  own.  Realize  what  you are.  Practice  the  methods  of  the  Formulas.  Then,  and then  only,  will  you enter  into  that  consciousness  of  Peace,  Poise  and Power,  which comes  to him  who hath acquired Balance.  As  we  have  said in the  Arcane  Teaching:  Oh, Neophyte,  in the  Centre  of  Life  shalt  thou  indeed find Poise  and Power.  In the  Heart  of  the  Storm  shalt  thou  find Peace.  In the  Centre  of  the  Cosmos shalt  thou  find  thyself.  He who  finds the  Centre of  Himself,  finds the Centre of  the Cosmos.  For,  at  the last,  they  are  one!


Mentalism In A Nutshell. 



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